Macmillan Literature Collections (Advanced):Twentieth Century Stories | 拾書所

Macmillan Literature Collections (Advanced):Twentieth Century Stories

$ 162 元 原價 170

  This diverse collection of short stories brilliantly illustrates the development of the new literary styles and perspectives that emerged during the course of the twentieth century.

  * Lesson on a Tortoise, by D. H. Lawrence
  A teacher has a challenging class

  * The Teddy-bears' Picnic, by William Trevor
  A newly married couple hit a problem

  * The Rough Crossing, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  Crossing the Atlantic can be stormy

  * Lamb to the Slaughter, by Roald Dahl
  A pregnant wife has a problem on her hands

  * The Rich Brother, by Tobias Wolff
  Is there a limit to helping a brother?

  * The Blood Bay, by Annie Proulx
  A cowboy takes a dead man's shoes

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