王室與巨賈:格雷欣爵士(1519-79)與都鐸王朝的外債籌措 | 拾書所


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  第2篇分2章,解說都鐸的經濟與財政背景。第4章綜述三項背景。(1) 從英國長期的經濟趨勢來看,都鐸有哪些階段性的特點;(2) 解說都鐸的鑄幣與貶值問題;(3) 國內外貿易的特點和業務規模。第5章分析王室的財務收支與困難,如何從鑄幣、出售王莊園林、賣官爵、頒授特許權,來彌補財務虧空。



  第5篇(12-13章)評價格雷欣的貢獻,對比繼任代理人的表現。書末有七項附錄:(1) 格雷欣興建的皇家交易所;(2) 格雷欣學院;(3) 海外探險商人;(4) 格雷欣與倫敦布業商會;(5) 格雷欣的商業日誌;(6) 格雷欣的傳記;(7) 英國的貨幣與幣值。最後另附:大事紀、文獻解說、參考書目。

  Sir Thomas Gresham (1519-79) was a remarkable Crown financier in Tudor England. This study begins with Tudor macroeconomic structure and micro evidence regarding England’s foreign debt in the 16th century. Detailed information will be used to illustrate Gresham’s manipulating of foreign exchange and negotiations with major European money lenders, and evaluate his contributions to mitigate Tudor foreign debt problems.

  This monograph contains 13 chapters and 7 appendices.Two specific issues are examined and answered. (1) The structure of Tudor revenues and expenditures, to show how serious were the deficits. (2) How Gresham helped the Crown to arrange and defray foreign borrowings.

  To save the cost of borrowings and repayments, Gresham asked the Crown several times to allow him to manipulate exchange rates of Pound Sterling in the Bourse of Antwerp. Most Tudor economic historians misinterpreted Gresham’s letters as if he was able to do so. Based the recent available exchange rate statistics, I present the trend of exchange rate of Pound Sterling (1537-68) and argue that Gresham was unlikely to manipulate the foreign exchange market in Antwerp. Gresham was boasting his proposals and it was a fortune that the Crown did not follow his project continuously.

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