PM Writing 4 Emerald 25 The Great Race | 拾書所

PM Writing 4 Emerald 25 The Great Race

$ 133 元 原價 140
  The Great Race

  Levels 25 Emerald
  Key learning Area Social Studies
  Theme The running of a horse race

  Title The Great Race
  Text Type Narrative
  Pages 2–9
  Text Form Ballad
  Genre Fiction
  Purpose To entertain and/or instruct readers by telling a series of events with a problem and a solution

  Text Structure
  Orientation: The main character is introduced in a setting of time and place (Page 2–3)
  Complication: The character encounters a problem (Pages 4–8)
  Resolution: The problem is solved(Page 9)

  Language Features
  ‧Nouns (e.g. race-caller, Country Cup, stretch)
  ‧Pronouns (e.g. their, his, they)
  ‧Adjectives (e.g. coloured, loud, great)
  ‧Past tense verbs (e.g. galloped, shone, stood)
  ‧Adverbs (e.g. speedily, behind)
  ‧Adverbial phrases (e.g. on the racetrack)
  ‧Time and sequence words (e.g. The race began)

  Title A Day at the Races
  Text Type Response
  Pages 10–16
  Text Form Email
  Genre Fiction
  Purpose To give an opinion about a written or visual work, object or event

  Text Structure
  Context: States the context of the work, object or event (what it is, where, etc) and previews the writer's opinion (Page 10)
  Description: Describes features of the work, the description (Pages 11–16)
  Judgement: Gives a personal opinion based on the description (Pages 11–16)

  Language Features
  ‧Nouns (e.g. racetrack, hooves)
  ‧Pronouns (e.g. I, We, It, they)
  ‧Adjectives (e.g. bright green, sweet, exciting)
  ‧Sensing verbs (e.g. thought, liked)
  ‧Adverbs (e.g. brightly)
  ‧Adverbial phrases (e.g. out in the country)
  ‧Time and sequence words (e.g. today, during, After)

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