泰勒曼:奏鳴曲‧TWV 41:B6〔高音/中音薩克斯風與鋼琴改編版〕【附CD】 | 拾書所

泰勒曼:奏鳴曲‧TWV 41:B6〔高音/中音薩克斯風與鋼琴改編版〕【附CD】

$ 198 元 原價 220
  泰勒曼堪稱十八世紀初期至中葉最為知名且最富影響力的德國作曲家之一。這首降B大調奏鳴曲作品編號TWV 41:B6,即《音樂練習曲集》中的第六首雙簧管奏鳴曲,此曲集據推測是1730年代的作品合集。雖名為練習曲,但這是當時德國作曲家喜好的標題,謙稱自己的創作為「藝術品味的試煉」。


  Telemann was widely regarded as Germany's leading composer in the early and middle 18th century. The sonata in B-flat major, TWV 41:B6, was composed for oboe from Essercizii musici. The Essercizii musici is a collection of music that follows a tradition of publications given the title of "exercises" popular in the late seventeenth and through the mid-eighteenth centuries.

  The piece was written in "sonata da chiesa" form and has four movements: slow - fast - slow - fast. Telemann's musical characters are just as correct as his words: "Singing is the foundation for music in all things." The beautiful melodies in both first and third movements show us what an important role singing in Telemann's works plays! This sonata is now arranged by saxophonist Cheng-yu Lee. He transcribed it still in original key, but for soprano/alto saxophone and piano.

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