This book has invited scholars from UK, Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong to address the social quality reality in Taiwan and South Korea. The main themes and discussion in this book include 4 dimensions of social economic security, social inclusion, social cohesion and social empowerment. Taiwan and South Korea has been advocated as “developmental welfare state” and recognized as 2 of 4 dragons in Asia with similar track in social and economic development in last few decades. It is very precious to see that book has its focus on unique investigation as stated above in two societies. More importantly, most of the chapters are written mainly based on the utilization of social quality theories and using the data derived from the same questionnaires (by different languages) and investigation done in two countries. And the book by using comparative study method and scientifically -based data to address the similarities and difference between Taiwan and South Korea in societal situation and trend is quite unique as well. Finally, the main content is highly consistent in addressing the social/political/economic and well-being of these societies with social policy implication, which is the strength of this book in particular