全球心靈全球公民:追求真福改善世界 | 拾書所


$ 523 元 原價 550




  We surely need a new generation who are fully equipped with the above global mind as well as global wisdom in order to survive, to compete and to be happy in the new world in the making. --- Professor Michael Hsiao, Academia Sinica

  His book is a bold and welcome effort to persuade his readers about the need to share the burden of responsibility as global citizens in ensuring a better tomorrow for future generations. ---Distinguished Chair Professor William A. Stanton, Tsing Hua University

  I really hope that through Professor Chen’s vision, readers will seek the right future path to true blessings, which I think is actually not far from us. --- Dr. James Chen, Everlight Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd.

  This book which provides perspective view on the practical significance of giving, is indeed worth reading. It is highly recommended for all readers. --- Dr. Zhihui Guo, Chairperson, Topco Group

  It is hoped that these thoughts for educating students for a global future, like those thoughts contained in the speeches included in this book, may facilitate the celebration of difference while simultaneously encouraging the search for common ground, understanding, harmony, peace, and innovation. --- Dr. Ilona E. Holland, Harvard Graduate School of Education

  To successfully meet the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities, we need new skill sets that are attuned to the more complex, sophisticated and uncertain world. In other words, a global world needs global talent. --- Joseph Phi, President – LF Logistics, Li & Fung Group

  Educational institutions should recommend this book as a learning tool for post-secondary students. This very readable book truly throws a beacon of light for youth for the right mindset in the journey of life. --- Dr. SHEN Lim Cho

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