Ekottarika-āgama Studies | 拾書所

Ekottarika-āgama Studies

$ 612 元 原價 680
  The present book collects research papers by Bhikkhu Anālayo with translations of Ekottarika-āgama discourses and comparative studies of their Pāli parallels, together with three appendices on the terms Mahāyāna, Hīnayāna, and Theravāda. Several papers study aspects of the Ekottarika-āgama as a collection distinct from other Nikāya and Āgama collections. In addition, topics taken up in the course of this book are seclusion, the lion's roar, the wheel-turning king, Paccekabuddhas, and the four noble truths, as well as depictions of accomplished nuns and their significance.

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