屏東神跡巡禮:虔敬南國 | 拾書所


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  一地的文化面相包羅萬象,實難以一明確地範疇來加以分類之。然而我們必須瞭解,文化乃是能夠區別人類和動物的一個主要的標準與思維;同時也沒有任何一個人可以獨立於文化之外。正因為人類的社會生活無法和文化隔離,因此一地的文化現象其所牽涉的範圍相當廣泛。同時一地文化的形成乃是歷史長期演進的結果,其主要內容乃是當地社會成員在長時段的生活經驗、生命智慧所累積而成。在經過歲月的淬練之下,逐漸地形成當地社會日常生活中所遵行與依據的典範。當地社會在依循前人智慧累積之下的文化生活模式,可以促使其人群適應當地生活,也可形 成某種程度的約束力。如此一來,可以使當地社會環境形成穩定且和諧的發展。

  英文內容大要:A land of cultural features all-inclusive , clearly visible a real difficult to categorize it . However, we must understand that culture but can distinguish a human and animals major standards and thinking ; but also no one can be independent of culture. Because human social life and cultural isolation can not therefore be a cultural phenomenon it involved very wide range . At the same time the results of a local culture but the history of the formation of long-term evolution , and its main contents but members of the local community in the life experience of a long period of time, from the accumulated wisdom of life . After years of under -quenching practice , gradually formed in the local community Richangshenghuo compliance and basis of the model. Local community to follow the wisdom accumulated under the previous mode of cultural life , which can promote people to adapt to local life , can also form a certain degree of binding. In this way , you can make local social environment to form a stable and harmonious development.

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