Chinese Ceramic Ware in Monochrome Glaze | 拾書所

Chinese Ceramic Ware in Monochrome Glaze

$ 2,115 元 原價 2,350
  To deepen the understanding of cultural and social background of the monochrome ceramic wares of Imperial China.

  The Palace Museum’s Essential Collection
  Selected 290 of monochrome ceramic wares of different dynasties

  The Palace Museum, the Forbidden City, has a comprehensive collection of the world's largest treasury of ancient Chinese art. The Museum is an abundant resource for anyone who are interested in Chinese paintings, ceramic wares, jade wares, calligraphy, furniture, and other valuable treasures.

  This title offers descriptions of a selected collection of 290 sets of monochrome ceramic wares from different dynasties such as Shang, Western Zhou to Qing, of which most wares are covered with one single colour glaze.

  Their beauty depends on the harmonious blending of artificial control and natural outcomes of firing different colour glazes. Compared with polychrome wares, monochrome wares may facilitate readers to better understand the essence of Chinese ceramic art and the resonance of subtleness and lyricism revealed on the wares.

  With the help of an introductory essay written by the Museum’s expert, readers can appreciate the simplicity, purity, and fantasy of the monochrome wares on top of their historical value.


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