遶境音樂會實況影音專輯(精選單曲CD+音樂會實況DVD) | 拾書所


$ 380 元 原價 400
  每年農曆三月是媽祖生日,全臺迎媽祖,瘋遶境,已是國際三大宗教文化盛事。音樂會搭配「遶境」主題,音樂會特別選了作曲家朱雲嵩的《遶境隨想》,描寫了遶境時的意象:薰香、官將首、神轎、回鑾。作曲家顧冠仁的《媽祖香讚》,是四部混聲合唱團與國樂團的清唱劇,以音樂詮釋媽祖的生平事蹟及其慈悲為懷、聞聲救苦的願力。同時還邀請青年作曲家王乙聿,為這場音樂會創作交響曲《演化》這首作品。 為了保存難得且深具意義的節目內容,將收錄音樂會影音實況。

  This concert vividly depicts the holy pilgrimage,a tradition of Taiwanese folk religion. The Idle Thoughts of Pilgrimage by Zhu Yun-Song presents the images during holy pilgrimage, including incense smoke, march of divine guards, divine palanquin, and the tour back. The Mazu incense praise by Gu Guanren is a cantata for a four sections choir and a Chinese orchestra, to portray the life stories of Matsu and her compassion. TCO also commissioned Wang I-Yu to compose the new work Symphony Evolution particularly for this concert.

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