「延續或改變?」本書檢視後911時期小布希與歐巴馬兩位總統的用武政策。雖然小布希總統提倡先制的自我防衛選項,但卻是預防性質,只憑著模糊的證據回應潛在的長期威脅,亦即藉著擴大解讀急迫性威脅的障眼法,遂行裹著先制行動外衣的預防性行動。 儘管歐巴馬總統宣稱致力於多邊主義,承諾恪遵全球規範,但並未揚棄小布希總統的先制/預防用武論證,其任內以自我防衛的用武(特別是無人機打擊行動)對抗蓋達組織的反恐作戰已是司空見慣,因此雖然小布希與歐巴馬總統兩人的政治立場南轅北轍,但在擴大自我防衛的用武策略上,根本是如出一轍。 歐巴馬政府在無人機案例上延續並擴大運用小布希主義,這兩任總統均以有利於放寬單邊用武限制的解讀,提高武力回應威脅的彈性,實際上是試圖定義一套例外主義,俾在極少限制之下,運用美國優勢的國力,以符合霸權國際法的架構,重新定義聯合國憲章訴諸戰爭權規章。
This book examines US recourse to military force in the post-9/11 era. In particular, it evaluates the extent to which the Bush and Obama administrations viewed legitimizing the greater use-of-force as a necessary solution to thwart the security threat presented by global terrorist networks and WMD proliferation.
This book examines US recourse to military force in the post-9/11 era. In particular, it evaluates the extent to which the Bush and Obama administrations viewed legitimizing the greater use-of-force as a necessary solution to thwart the security threat presented by global terrorist networks and WMD proliferation.