從農民到皇帝:劉邦的一生 | 拾書所


$ 450 元 原價 500
  When Liu Bang, the eponymous protagonist of this novel, set out to conquer all under Heaven, he was already 47 years old. A medium-built, foul-mouthed peasant with a reputation as a ne’er-do-well, a womanizer, and a drunkard, who, though literate, never cared much about literature, he seemed to have a slim chance at success at a time when all the heroes in the realm contended for power and dominance. Against all odds, he defeated his rivals to found the Han dynasty, and quelled the numerous rebellions that challenged his rule.   本書以史實與故事兼容之手法,描述歷史人物劉邦以平民出身,卻能扭轉情勢爭奪天下的經過。 好評推薦   Praises for Heavenly Khan:   An engrossing fictionalized history that examines an ingenious and powerful Chinese ruler.--Kirkus Reviews   A new historical legend to stand alongside Alexander the Great and Napoleon.--San Francisco Book Review   A deftly written and truly riveting work from beginning to end, Heavenly Khan: A Biography of Emperor Tang Taizong is an extraordinary and solidly entertaining story that reveals author Victor Cunrui Xiong to be an exceptional and impressive novelist of the first order. --Midwest Book Review  

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