The Phantom of the Opera【Grade 4】(25K+1MP3)(2nd Ed.) | 拾書所

The Phantom of the Opera【Grade 4】(25K+1MP3)(2nd Ed.)

$ 234 元 原價 260

  作者用精準、栩栩如生且充滿懸疑的鋪陳,造就小說的成功,所改編的音樂劇也廣受大眾喜愛,其中又以安德魯.洛伊.韋伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)在1986年時所改編的百老匯音樂劇上演後大受好評,迄今仍持續演出中。

  Written in 1910 by Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera intricately describes a love triangle between Christine (a beautiful opera singer), Raoul (a young nobleman), and the Phantom (a frightening figure hiding beneath the Paris Opera House). The story has spawned many creative adaptations and continues to win the hearts of readers around the world.

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