中國飲食文化 v.15 n.1 | 拾書所

中國飲食文化 v.15 n.1

$ 570 元 原價 600
  *Recipe Writing and Cultural Dialogue: Martha Crawford and the Composition of Foreign Cookery 余文章(Isaac YUE)
  *滋血液,養神氣:日治到戰後臺灣的養鱉知識、養殖環境與食療文化 /郭忠豪(KUO Chung-hao
  *A History of Saimin Soup Noodle in Hawaii: Ethnic Marker or Local Identity? /日野みどり(Midori HINO)
  *Qingxiang: A Taste Changing the Landscape of Taiwan's High Mountains /余舜德(Shuenn-Der YU)
  *Book Review: Organic Struggle: The Movement for Sustainable Agriculture in the United States /李宜澤(LEE Yi-tze)

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