佛教總釋 | 拾書所


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  他空見 究竟了義大中觀如來藏法 覺囊世上第一次漢譯英譯合本加解說

  《佛教總釋》是藏傳佛教覺囊派最著名的祖師篤補巴所著,而覺囊派是藏傳佛教五大教派之一。 篤補巴所傳的覺囊派教法是以佛陀第三轉法輪為究竟法的“他空大中觀”,與如來藏法、瑜伽唯識派同為了義究竟法,曾經盛極一時,是藏傳文化的瑰寶。 文獻記載:篤補巴說法時,會場樓梯被湧入群眾壓垮,僧侶們試圖用狗來嚇阻湧入的群眾卻不成功;在篤補巴將渡河離去時,有大批的群眾出於對篤補巴的敬仰愛慕,不捨其離開而跳入河中,意欲追隨,卻因不諳水性而險遭滅頂。 雖然覺囊派教法可以說是世界級的文化遺產,但覺囊派論典被翻譯成漢文和英文的數量比起其他四個教派而言,卻少得不成比例——這對於廣大讀者來說,是很大的遺憾。 這本《佛教總釋》的漢譯及英譯,彌補了這個遺憾。 《佛教總釋》是篤補巴祖師完整闡述他空見之著作,也是篤補巴三大主要著作之第一部,在歷史地位和教法上,皆具關鍵的重要性。 在篤補巴時代,覺囊徒眾人人皆會背誦《佛教總釋》,並曾以萬人高聲同誦的壯觀場面來護送篤補巴的行進行列。 對一般讀者來說,相對於篤補巴另外兩部主要的作品《山法了義海論》和《第四結集論》,《佛教總釋》的字數不多,精簡扼要,容易閱讀,為入門的最佳選擇。 對學者來說,《佛教總釋》過去雖有漢譯,但存在諸多不符合原文之處。 故本次新漢譯,將舊漢譯、新漢譯與原藏文逐字比對,並將差異處詳盡標明,再加以解析和注釋,以利讀者查看。 最重要的是,本書是篤補巴此作品第一次漢藏英三種語言逐字對照的系統性翻譯。 不但如此,本書還對三個藏文烏金體版本(壤塘版、江孜版、北京版)逐字對勘和解說差異,盡最大努力排除所有可能出現於藏文手抄本上的手誤。 在本次《佛教總釋》的新英譯部分,除了譯文本身之外,還分别以英文作注釋(以方便不會漢文的讀者)以及以中文作注釋(以方便通英漢雙語的讀者)。 因此,本書對一般讀者和學者來說,都十分有價值。更多資訊請見www.jonangdharma.org。

  A General Explanation of Buddha's Teaching was written by Dolpopa, the master of the Jonang sect, one of the five main sects of Tibetan Buddhism. The Jonang teaching disseminated by Dolpopa is the definitive “Maha-Madhyamaka,” also called “Other-Emptiness,” which is based on Buddha’s third-turning of the Dharma wheel (against the popular idea that the second turning being definitive propagated by other sects). His teaching is consistent with Tathagatagarbha and Yogacara, and reached its peak of popularity in the 14th century. When Dolpopa spoke, the throng of listeners is said to have crushed the staircase of the lecture hall. The Jonang monks tried displaying large dogs in an attempt to scare away the people crowding the staircase, to no avail. It is also said that when Dolpopa was leaving Lhasa and about to cross the river, many desperate admirers jumped in the water to follow him, but couldn’t swim and would have drowned if they hadn’t been dragged out of the water by others.

  Although the Jonang teaching in many ways reveals the Ultimate Reality more clearly than other sects, few Jonang doctrinal writings have been translated into English and Chinese, especially compared with the writings of the other four sects. The present translation attempts to make up for this unfortunate lack.

  A General Explanation of Buddha's Teaching is Dolpopa’s first work on his ground-breaking view of“Empty of Other,”elucidating the core meaning of Buddhism. It is the only poem-style work among his three major works, and Jonang followers memorized it by heart. History has it that they once sent Dolpopa away with an awe-inspiring scene of tens of thousands of people reciting this work aloud in harmony, unrehearsed.

  Compared to Mountain Dharma and The Fourth Collection, Dolpopa’s other two major works, A General Explanation of Buddha's Teaching is most concise and easiest to read. It is the best choice for beginners.

  For scholars, this is the first translation into English and Chinese simultaneously, with sentence-to-sentence fidelity among the three languages. Chinese is a major source language in Buddhist texts, but its cross referencing with Tibetan and English is regrettably lacking among traditional western Tibetologists. Therefore, this book is a long-sought-after rare gem. In addition, this book compares three versions of the Tibetan hand-written folios, and painstakingly marks every variation and misspelling, in order to help ascertain the true meaning of the text.

  The English part has two sets of footnotes: one in English and one in Chinese. The former is intended for those who read only English, while the latter is meant for those with bilingual interest.

  In summary, this book provides valuable information for scholars, and is a must-read for lay readers. For any inquiry, please visit www.jonangdharma.org.


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