Modern Confucian entrepreneur :biography of Steve Tsai: the legendary life of the founder of the United Pacific Hotel Group【「儒商」英文版】 | 拾書所

Modern Confucian entrepreneur :biography of Steve Tsai: the legendary life of the founder of the United Pacific Hotel Group【「儒商」英文版】

$ 342 元 原價 380
  How can Confucianism lead to business and personal success? Follow the extraordinary career of Steve Tsai, whose unshakable commitment to truth, family and nation helped him overcome poverty and deprivation, led him through two terrible wars, and positioned him to play a decisive role in Taiwan’s development as a modern nation-state. In these pages, he looks back on a life full of important lessons for those who seek success and fulfillment, offering hard-earned wisdom and experience, and a heart-felt optimism for life and humanity.
  Steve Tsai shares the secrets of his success: family, faith, learning and friends. These constant companions transformed him from a shoeless itinerant student into a driving force of Taiwan’s modernization and ultimately leading figure of the American hotel industry.
  1. Modern Confucian Entrepreneur also offers invaluable wisdom for how Confucian values, properly understood and applied, can bring success in organizational management, leadership, investment and financial management.
  2. Everyone who seeks to understand the development of modern Taiwan and East Asia should read this book.
  3. This book, rich in detail and historically important images, will also be of great interest to scholars of literature, history and philosophy.
  4. We are witnessing the dawn of the “Chinese Century”, in which the wisdom of traditional Chinese culture and philosophy will be effectively applied to business management and entrepreneurism, and this book presents an excellent case study of the application of Confucianism in business life, along with an insightful and engaging history of Taiwan’s modern economic development.

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