CREATE:An Innovative Approach Forging Multiple Pathways to Success in the Tertiary ESP Class | 拾書所

CREATE:An Innovative Approach Forging Multiple Pathways to Success in the Tertiary ESP Class

$ 665 元 原價 700
  English for Specific Purposes (ESP) curricula in Taiwan is still limited, and course design and class research are two key areas to work on. This book aims to overcome challenges in ESP courses, fill the gap in relevant literature, and meet students’ needs and university’s expectations by establishing and implementing an innovative teaching model, CREATE, in an ESP course. It reports CREATE and provides the instructional design of the course. It includes the teaching materials, themes and course content, teaching approaches, lesson structure, activities and tasks, and assessments throughout the years of course innovation. It also reveals pedagogical benefits of CREATE as well as its innovations and applicability.

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