星斗集英譯本:——The English Version of The Collection of Stars: A Collection of Selected Modern Poems of Wang Chien-Shen (電子書) | 拾書所

星斗集英譯本:——The English Version of The Collection of Stars: A Collection of Selected Modern Poems of Wang Chien-Shen (電子書)

$ 180 元 原價 180
As a person of modern times, I have been more or less influenced by modern poetry so I have the motivation to write modern poems. The Tang poetry features the Tang dynasty, the Song poetry the Song dynasty, and the Ming-Qing poetry the Ming and the Qing dynasties. Based on the concept of literary development, we should learn and write not only ancient poetry but modern poetry. What differs from others, the true feelings of caring about the world rooted in Taiwan can become a spiritual power condensed in words with the skills of explicit and implied comparisons. Therefore, the poems tend to have vivid imagery or be picture-like and easy to read. This collection gathers all my modern poetry works so it means a great deal to me.

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