Origami Step-By-Step | 拾書所

Origami Step-By-Step

$ 302 元 原價 302

This easy-to-follow guide contains all the information paperfolders need to create inspired origami models -- from learning basic folds to successfully completing a rich assortment of intricate figures.
Readers will find hundreds of detailed, step-by-step diagrams and illustrations of finished paper art that will enable even beginners to fashion such simple objects as a flower, a Japanese box, and a church. Experienced paperfolders can hone their skills on such challenging projects as a squirrel on a log, birds in a nest, and a full-masted sailing ship. Among the projects is a selection of wonderfully constructed figures by origamist Patricia Crawford that will test the abilities of even the most competent paperfolders.
In all, over 30 entertaining and inventive projects -- including a mermaid, a kangaroo, a film star, a stalking cat, a unicorn, a tetrahedron, and more -- will delight origami fans of all ages and abilities. Once basic folds and methods have been mastered, folders can attempt original models on their own with ease.

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