In the world of golf, just as certain courses have achieved iconic status - Pine Valley, Augusta National, Huntingdale, Princes - so are their respective creators, Harry Colt, Alister MacKenzie, CH Alison and JSF Morrison equally revered. "Masters of Design" pays homage to these four great sculptors of the land, blending lively anecdotes and atmospheric history with spectacular photographs that evoke glories of playing the fairways of many of the world's finest golf courses. From the dramatic sea-scoured headlands of Cypress Point in California to the tranquility of Japan's Hirono Club, this book displays golf's internationally renowned venues alongside unsung courses of subtlety and beauty. Each of these design masterpieces reveals fascinating stories that will enthuse all golfers about an extraordinary legacy left to the game. The rare treasure trove of Material in "Masters of Design" makes it a lavish addition to any golfer's library.