Saint Sergius of Radonezh, His Trinity Monastery, and the Formation of the Russian Identity | 拾書所

Saint Sergius of Radonezh, His Trinity Monastery, and the Formation of the Russian Identity

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When Sergius of Radonezh founded a monastery near Moscow, his example spawned a movement of monastic foundations throughout Russia. Within three decades of his death in 1392, Sergius was recognized as a saint, and by 1450 many considered him the intercessor for the Russian land who freed its people from Mongol rule. Over the next century and a half, thousands sought St. Sergius s intercession with gifts to the monastery. Moscow s rulers made Sergius patron saint of their dynasty and of the Russian tsardom. By 1605, the Trinity-Sergius monastery was the biggest house in Russia.Miller presents Trinity s dramatic history from the 14th century to the beginning of the Time of Troubles. Using extensive archival materials, he traces the evolution of Trinity s relationship to Sergius s venerators and its traditions, governance, social composition, and the lifestyle of its members. In lucid prose, Miller argues that St. Sergius s cult and monastery became integrating forces on a national scale and vital elements in the forging of a Russian identity, economy, and cohesive society. The power of religion to shape national identity is a lively topic today, and Miller s study will interest both medievalists and modern historians, as well as readers of Orthodox Church history.

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