Don’t Bury an Ailing Marriage: It’s Not Too Late to Resuscitate! | 拾書所

Don’t Bury an Ailing Marriage: It’s Not Too Late to Resuscitate!

$ 758 元 原價 758

In Don't Bury an Ailing Marriage, veteran psychologist Dr. Don D. Campbell goes beyond surface reasons for most relationship problems--such as poor communication, financial issues, or sexual dysfunction--to diagnose the underlying causes of marital discord that prevent couples from achieving the happiness and fulfillment they desire and deserve. Several ailments and viruses are identified, but from among them Dr. Campbell identifies the most common and damaging virus of all--a fear of closeness. He explains how the Fear of Closeness Virus is the underlying root for most symptoms within ailing marriages as well as how to effectively treat it to sustain emotional and physical intimacy through the years.

The abundant information in the book is delivered with a sense of humor and illustrative stories as well as helpful Prescription Pads--a series of exercises at the end of each chapter to help the reader apply the doctor's advice and take proactive steps for positive change.

Resist the temptation to call the mortician (lawyer) and prepare for the funeral (divorce). For virtually any marriage, regardless of its current state, put the shovel away--it's not too late to resuscitate

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