The Song of Roland | 拾書所

The Song of Roland

$ 1,138 元 原價 1,138

This classic epic revolves around the battle between the Franks and the Moors in 778. Though he has grown up in poverty in a cave in Italy, Roland is in fact descended from great heroes of old. Since his youth, his mother has taught him that someday he will be a brave hero like his father, Milon, and serve with the great army of his uncle, Charlemagne. When King Charlemagne comes to Italy, he rejoices to find his long-lost sister and nephew and gives them places of honor in his court. As Roland becomes a man and a knight, he embarks on a quest to the Far East and becomes the champion of the Princess of Cathay. One of the great medieval "songs of great deeds," this is a composite of several hero legends interlaced with Christian moral sentiments. A remarkable panorama of medieval life and thought, The Song of Roland truly reflects the spirit of the times.

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