With the Kama Sutra Under My Arm: An Indian Journey | 拾書所

With the Kama Sutra Under My Arm: An Indian Journey

$ 570 元 原價 570

Having been left for another, Trisha decides that the best way to nurse her broken heart is to escape to India, armed with a copy of the Kama Sutra with its promise to teach her how to seduce a new lover, train a hawk (to carry love letters, of course ), furnish a house seductively, and seduce other women's husbands (well, maybe not that one). At the last minute, Trisha is joined by her long lost backpacking companion, Sally. Navigating the chaotic streets of India in death-defying rickshaws, and traversing the country on overcrowded trains and buses driven by speed freaks, Trisha and Sally find themselves almost marooned in the Thar Desert after an unfortunate dog incident, almost camel-napped in Rajasthan, pursued by a charging bull at Jaisalmer, attacked in no uncertain terms by an amorous monkey in Delhi, and stranded in a flooded hotel room in sodden underwear in the middle of the night at Mount Abu... And those were the good days

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