Matrixing Jeet Kune Do: An Analysis of Bruce Lee’s Martial Arts | 拾書所

Matrixing Jeet Kune Do: An Analysis of Bruce Lee’s Martial Arts

$ 822 元 原價 822

DO YOU WANT TO LEARN JEET KUNE DO? You can't unless you think like Bruce Lee. Not just 'Monkey see-monkey do' him, but actually understand the source concepts he was working from. You've got to innovate You've got to take it apart and put it back together, because...THAT'S WHAT BRUCE DID Everybody else is just copy catting him. Do the five ways of attacks Memorize the 12 principles But that only teaches you a little If you want to learn a lot...if you want to learn it all, then you are going to have to THINK LIKE BRUCE LEE He spent a lifetime analyzing the science of the martial arts, and from the viewpoint of...26 DIFFERENT MARTIAL ARTS This book doesn't tell you the stuff you know, the stuff you can get off any tells you THE TRUTH It helps you understand...THE SOURCE CONCEPTS BEHIND JEET KUNE DO Then, when you see the videos, do sticky hands, experience the incredible training drills...YOU WILL KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN And that is the ONLY way you can actually learn Jeet Kune Do.

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