Zahhak: The Legend of the Serpent King | 拾書所

Zahhak: The Legend of the Serpent King

$ 1,520 元 原價 1,520



  第一本關於波斯神話的立體書!本書生動重現扎哈克王子(Prince Zahhak)受到惡神誘導,謀殺了自己的父皇並篡奪王位的故事。雖然成為國王,但受到詛咒的扎哈克雙肩長出了蛇,並因為他的叛變和暴政而惡名昭彰;扎哈克統治波斯長達一千年,直到有天英勇的費雷伊頓(Feraydun)帶領軍隊打敗了他……。這本全彩、作工精細的立體書讓蛇王傳說躍然紙上,無論是小孩或大人都會大感驚奇!

For the first time ever, a tale from the Persian Book of Kings springs to life in this stunningly produced and ingeniously crafted pop up book. Zahhak: The Legend of the Serpent King retells the myth of the misguided Prince Zahhak who is easily swayed by the devil to murder his father and usurp the thrown. Cursed with monstrous snakes that grow out of the king's shoulders, the Serpent King grows infamous throughout the land for his treachery and oppression. He rules for one thousand years before a noble and valiant Feraydun gains the strength and army to defeat the unjust King. The fantastic world of Zahhak: The Legend of the Serpent King literally pops off the page with intricately crafted spreads, two pop-up folds per page, and complex construction that will delight readers young and old with every turn of the page.

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