The Steam and Diesel Era in Wheeling, West Virginia | 拾書所

The Steam and Diesel Era in Wheeling, West Virginia

$ 1,710 元 原價 1,710

Nicholas Fry is the curator of the Barriger Library and is the archivist of the B&O Railroad Historical Society.

Greg Smith is a retired educator and is currently president of the B&O Railroad Historical Society.

Elizabeth Davis-Young is the widow of J. J. Young Jr. This book realizes her desire to fulfill her husband’s unfinished plans for a book of his Wheeling area railroad photographs.

John J. Young Jr.’s (1929-2004) hobby of railroad photography began in Wheeling, WV, and continued after he moved to up- state New York in 1959. He was a member of the faculty of Broome Community College in Bingham- ton and taught photography until his retirement in 1995. His pho- tographs of railroads across the country were published in books and periodicals throughout his life. He was working on this book before his death in 2004.

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