Game Environment Art: A Path to the Games Industry | 拾書所

Game Environment Art: A Path to the Games Industry

$ 2,997 元 原價 2,997

This book is a guide that will take students and professionals from applying to and moving up through each level of the game industry. From student to Art Director the reader will learn about the various positions and skillsets within the game industry as well as how to create the art in each position. Within each section there will be an interview with a current game industry veteran and their work is also documented on a companion website along with hours of video tutorials. Each chapter includes supplement art that the readers can dissect and learn from.

Key Features

  • No other book looks at how the industry functions as a whole. Using a combination of tutorials and testimonials the reader can get the insight into how the industry operates to help readers move up in their careers
  • Every object and asset will utilize Zbrush and assets loaded into the Unity game engine, which is not considered in other books.
  • Approximately 5.5 hours of video will be included (45 5-10 min videos) on a companion website.
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