Built by Diy: Frugal and Easy Diy Household Hacks | 拾書所

Built by Diy: Frugal and Easy Diy Household Hacks

$ 426 元 原價 426

Would you like 50+ hacks to personalize, organize, spice up, and optimize your home for under $10 and under two hours?How about cleaning up your clutter in creative ways, and simply making your home easier to live in? Saving time, money, AND space all at once? Yes, please.Look no further than Built By DIY This book contains over 50 amazingly creative DIY household hacks and DIY projects to make your home your home, while keeping it clean and clutter-free. There are ideas inside to optimize the space you have, as well as give it a quirky and personal touch that we all desire for our homes. Finally, there are even just-for-fun hacks and decorative hacks - great fun for the family or kids.Best of all, these projects are frugal and simple enough for the most beginner of DIY'ers. They require very few materials and equipment, and can mostly be made with everyday items that you already have in your home. They are light - both on your time AND wallet. Frugal, simple, easy, and convenient - what more could you ask for in DIY?Here's a sample of the DIY hacks you'll learn inside: - How aluminum foil can help you with laundry AND the dishes.- Just how handy tennis balls can be in your home.- What old jeans and potting soil can create for your garden.- How those old wine corks you have lying around can be the first step to an indoor garden.- How to make a cute and fragrant candle out of just an orange peel.- Create a rustic burlap whiteboard.- How old toilet paper rolls can be used to organize power cords.- 50 more DIY hacks for cleaning, organizing, decluttering, and just making your home more convenient Built By DIY truly allows you to build your home storage and decoration by DIY It teaches you 50+ ways to make your home more comfortable and clean, and ultimately make your life easier. Not only are these DIY hacks cheap and easy, but they are highly functional... and fun You'll have a blast doing these projects and when your friends see them and marvel at them, you'll be teaching them all how to do it too.Don't hesitate on upgrading every room of your home - quickly, easily, and for cheap Scroll up and click BUY NOY immediately.P.S. In-depth, easy instructions for each DIY hack included.

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