Garth Ennis Presents Battle Classics 2: Fighting Mann War Dog | 拾書所

Garth Ennis Presents Battle Classics 2: Fighting Mann War Dog

$ 1,520 元 原價 1,520

All-out battle action from the pages of the greatest British war comic ever published

Boasts two action-packed war stories, both written by Alan Hebden and drawn by Cam Kennedy (with Mike Western). Fighting Mann is set during the Vietnam War, and follows the exploits of retired US Marine Colonel Walter Mann on his rogue mission in search of his Navy pilot son, whose plane disappeared during a bombing raid over the Vietnamese jungle. War Dog is set during World War II, and centres on a German guard dog condemned to die by its masters but which escapes and embarks on an epic adventure across enemy lines and battlefields.

Battle Picture Weekly was a milestone in British comics publishing - the preeminent war comic of the '70s and '80s with a readership in the hundreds of thousands and a groundbreaking approached to storytelling which paved the way for Action, 2000 AD, Warrior and the new wave of UK comics.

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