Harvard Studies in Classical Philology | 拾書所

Harvard Studies in Classical Philology

$ 3,000 元 原價 3,000

This volume includes: Jos Marcos Macedo, "Zeus as (Rider of) Thunderbolt"; Nikoloz Shamugia, "Bronze Relief with Caeneus and Centaurs from Olympia"; Hayden Pelliccia, "The Violation of Wackernagel's Law at Pindar Pythian 3.1"; John Heath, "Corinna's 'Old Wives' Tales'"; Maria Pavlou, "Lieux de M moire in the Plataean Speech (Thuc. 3.53-59)"; Robert Mayhew, "A Note on Aristotle] Problemata 26.61"; Sam Hitchings, "The Date of Demosthenes] XVII On the Treaty with Alexander"; John Walsh, "A Note on Diodorus 18.11.1, Arybbas, and the Lamian War"; Loukas Papadimitropoulos, "Charicleia's Identity and the Structure of Heliodorus' Aethiopica"; Ian Goh, "Kun-egonde"; Javier Ur a, "Iulius Romanus' Remark on Titinius (123 G.)"; Henry Spelman, "Borrowing Sappho's Napkins"; Fabio Tutrone, "Granting Epicurean Wisdom at Rome"; Boris Kayachev, "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"; Florence Klein, "Vergil's 'Posidippeanism'?"; Gianpero Rosati, "Evander's Curse and the 'Long Death' of Mezentius (Verg. Aen. 8.483-488, 10.845-850)"; Fiachra Mac G r in, "The Poetics of Vision in Virgil's Aeneid"; Ioannis Ziogas, "Singing for Octavia"; Benjamin Victor, "Four Passages in Propertius' Last Book of Elegies"; and David Greenwood, "Julian and Asclepius."

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