Fifty Paths to Creative Photography | 拾書所

Fifty Paths to Creative Photography

$ 1,125 元 原價 1,125

In keeping with the best tradition of Freeman's writing, this isn't a technical manual looking at camera settings, but a volume which will encourage you to explore what makes great photograhy.

In Freeman's own words: "There's a long line of opinion, from Plato through Kant, that holds creativity to be unteachable, and to be the province of genius. You have it or you don't. End of story. I don't agree"

By looking at the work of other great photographers, as well as Freeman's own work, the book provides the reader with 50 "paths" they can explore to think about taking photos, looking at subjects from clich to zen, so you will be able to hit the right point in surprise, originality, insight and execution every time.

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