Excavating, Analysing, Reconstructing: Textiles of the First Millennium Ad from Egypt and Neighbouring Countries | 拾書所

Excavating, Analysing, Reconstructing: Textiles of the First Millennium Ad from Egypt and Neighbouring Countries

$ 8,775 元 原價 8,775

-A richly illustrated overview of textile art of the Nile Valley from the first millennium AD A richly illustrated overview of the current-day knowledge on the textile art of the Nile Valley from the first millennium AD, in response to the 9th conference on 'Textiles from the Nile Valley' in Antwerp of 27-29 October, 2017. This is one of only a handful of books devoted to the textile art of the Late-Roman, Early-Byzantine and Early-Islamic textile art in Egypt. Over 20 essays by specialists elaborate on the pieces of textile art that were found in excavations and museums and discuss the radiocarbon dating, iconography and weaving techniques revolving the extraordinary clothing.

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