Cat Gurus: Wisdom from the World’s Most Celebrated Felines | 拾書所

Cat Gurus: Wisdom from the World’s Most Celebrated Felines

$ 541 元 原價 570


  經濟問題? 詢問世界上最富有的貓「黑貓布萊西」。心情低落? 請問《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》中永遠保持笑容的柴郡貓。缺乏勇氣?第一隻上太空的貓Felicette可以給你靈感。只要選一張卡片,追隨貓大師的私人哲學,所有的困境都可以克服。




Be guided and inspired by the world's favourite felines with this fabulous set of advice cards.

Money problems? Consult Blackie the millionaire cat. Having a bad day? Ask the Cheshire Cat how he stays smiling. Lacking courage? Be inspired by Felicette, the first cat in space. Simply select a card from the pack, follow the advice inspired by the cat's personal philosophy and any obstacle will become surmountable.

Contains 50 advice cards plus a booklet featuring the cats' biographies and details of how to use the cards.

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