凱迪克榮譽獎得主艾隆.貝克(Aaron Becker)最新作品!
You Are Light這本互動藝術書探索陽光如何豐富地球。翻開頁面,純白的紙面上用詩句般的文字描述太陽。書上寫著,太陽「溫暖了天空,擁抱了大地」,太陽還「啜飲海水,製造雨滴」,並「照亮了夜空中的月亮」。
在You Are Light書中,每頁皆有鏤空的各色圓形光環圍繞著太陽,對著光源,讀者會驚嘆每翻動一次頁面,就能混合出不同的色彩光線,讓這本書充滿了神秘感。此外,書中雋永的詩句則帶給人們不同的思考,讚嘆太陽為生命帶來一切有形或無形的變化。
「You Are Light以簡單的方式探討複雜的概念,故事簡單卻很有深度。」——《學校圖書館雜誌》(School Library Journal)
With a wondrously simple die-cut book, the Caldecott Honor–winning creator of the Journey trilogy brings his talents further into the light.
This is the light that brings the day.
Open this beautiful book to find a graphic yellow sun surrounded by a halo of bright die-cut circles. Now hold the page up to the light and enjoy the transformation as the colors in those circles glow. In an elegant, sparely narrated ode to the phenomenon of light, Aaron Becker follows as light reflects off the earth to warm our faces, draws up the sea to make the rain, feeds all the things that grow, and helps to create all the brilliant wonders of the world, including ourselves.
You Are Light這本互動藝術書探索陽光如何豐富地球。翻開頁面,純白的紙面上用詩句般的文字描述太陽。書上寫著,太陽「溫暖了天空,擁抱了大地」,太陽還「啜飲海水,製造雨滴」,並「照亮了夜空中的月亮」。
在You Are Light書中,每頁皆有鏤空的各色圓形光環圍繞著太陽,對著光源,讀者會驚嘆每翻動一次頁面,就能混合出不同的色彩光線,讓這本書充滿了神秘感。此外,書中雋永的詩句則帶給人們不同的思考,讚嘆太陽為生命帶來一切有形或無形的變化。
「You Are Light以簡單的方式探討複雜的概念,故事簡單卻很有深度。」——《學校圖書館雜誌》(School Library Journal)
With a wondrously simple die-cut book, the Caldecott Honor–winning creator of the Journey trilogy brings his talents further into the light.
This is the light that brings the day.
Open this beautiful book to find a graphic yellow sun surrounded by a halo of bright die-cut circles. Now hold the page up to the light and enjoy the transformation as the colors in those circles glow. In an elegant, sparely narrated ode to the phenomenon of light, Aaron Becker follows as light reflects off the earth to warm our faces, draws up the sea to make the rain, feeds all the things that grow, and helps to create all the brilliant wonders of the world, including ourselves.