知名插畫家Caitlin Keegan,自小便深深陷入塔羅的奧秘中,對塔羅牌也自有一番研究。在研讀傳統塔羅牌義,並透過古老的數字占卜後,以一年的時間,將基本的大牌組與小牌組結合成53張卡牌,將塔羅以撲克牌的方式呈現,回歸初衷,讓人玩樂中占卜、占卜中玩樂。
From the illustrator behind The Illuminated Tarot comes a set of playing cards that are sure to enchant card game fans and tarot readers alike!
As a follow-up to Caitlin Keegan's successful tarot deck, Illuminated Playing Cards is a beautifully boxed set of two decks of playing cards, complete with a pamphlet including the rules to four popular card games and an easy three-card tarot reading. For those who want to use the deck for tarot readings, the pamphlet also contains a list of each card and its meaning as it corresponds to a traditional tarot card deck.