The Visual MBA: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness | 拾書所

The Visual MBA: Two Years of Business School Packed into One Priceless Book of Pure Awesomeness

$ 608 元 原價 770

  Jason Barron上了516小時的課、做完堆積如山的作業、花了好幾萬美元的學費,才終於拿到了楊百翰大學萬豪商學院的MBA學位。Jason上課時,不會狂抄那些自己也覺得無聊、不想再看一次的筆記,而是藉由圖像的方式呈現課堂重點,為不同的課程製作了自己獨特的插畫筆記。



  Jason Barron spent 516 hours in class, completed mountains of homework and shelled out tens of thousands of dollars to complete his MBA at the BYU Marriott School of Business. Along the way, rather than taking boring notes that he would never read (nor use) again, Jason created sketch notes for each class—visually capturing the essential points of his education—and providing an engaging and invaluable resource.
  Once finished with his MBA, Jason launched a widely successful Kickstarter campaign distilling these same notes into a self-published book to help aspiring business leaders of all backgrounds and income levels understand the critical concepts one learns in business school.
  Whether you are thinking about applying to business school, are currently in college studying business, or have always wondered what is taught in an MBA program, this highly entertaining and visual book is for you.


  "Offbeat, appealing, and helpful . . . An entertaining and engaging read [that] can be perused leisurely and quickly. Readers thinking about applying to MBA programs will find it useful, as will those interested in visually exploring complex topics like strategic HR management, managerial accounting, and business negotiations." -- Booklist

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