你會High Five嗎?你知道除了傳統的擊掌之外,
還可以有螃蟹High Five、雲霄飛車High Five,
還有可怕的殭屍High Five嗎?
你會High Five嗎?High Five可不是只有傳統的舉手拍掌慶賀而已,你還可以試看看雲霄飛車High Five、後背式High Five、跳起來High Five、螃蟹式High Five、側翻High Five、害羞的High Five、三人High Five、殭屍High Five、抬腿High Five、High Five連線、飛翔式High Five,甚至自己一個人也可以High Five!
想要在High Five大賽中贏得好成績,首先你必須要確實地做好暖身,High Five書中有一系列的互動引導,指導小朋友接受每個挑戰,好玩的是,每個新挑戰都會比前一個更難、更有趣,可以確實提高你的High Five技巧!
亞當‧路賓(Adam Rubin)與丹尼爾‧塞爾米埃瑞〈Daniel Salmieri〉這對搭檔,曾聯手打造蟬聯紐約時報排行超過百週的《噴火龍來了》(Dragons Love Tacos)。這次兩人再度聯手,為讀者帶來又一本令人捧腹大笑的歡樂繪本。快點!現在就跟著High Five,一起重溫快被人遺忘的擊掌藝術吧!
From the creators of the New York Times bestseller Dragons Love Tacos comes a rollicking, rhyme-tastic, interactive high five competition--starring YOU!
Discover the lost art of the high five and improve your slapping skills just in time for the annual high five contest! From hand-limbering stretches to lessons on five-ing with finesse, readers are guided through a series of interactive challenges, each goofier than the next.
Acclaimed creative duo Adam Rubin and Daniel Salmieri have dreamed up another one-of-a-kind, laugh-out-loud book that kids will beg to read again and again.
還可以有螃蟹High Five、雲霄飛車High Five,
還有可怕的殭屍High Five嗎?
你會High Five嗎?High Five可不是只有傳統的舉手拍掌慶賀而已,你還可以試看看雲霄飛車High Five、後背式High Five、跳起來High Five、螃蟹式High Five、側翻High Five、害羞的High Five、三人High Five、殭屍High Five、抬腿High Five、High Five連線、飛翔式High Five,甚至自己一個人也可以High Five!
想要在High Five大賽中贏得好成績,首先你必須要確實地做好暖身,High Five書中有一系列的互動引導,指導小朋友接受每個挑戰,好玩的是,每個新挑戰都會比前一個更難、更有趣,可以確實提高你的High Five技巧!
亞當‧路賓(Adam Rubin)與丹尼爾‧塞爾米埃瑞〈Daniel Salmieri〉這對搭檔,曾聯手打造蟬聯紐約時報排行超過百週的《噴火龍來了》(Dragons Love Tacos)。這次兩人再度聯手,為讀者帶來又一本令人捧腹大笑的歡樂繪本。快點!現在就跟著High Five,一起重溫快被人遺忘的擊掌藝術吧!
From the creators of the New York Times bestseller Dragons Love Tacos comes a rollicking, rhyme-tastic, interactive high five competition--starring YOU!
Discover the lost art of the high five and improve your slapping skills just in time for the annual high five contest! From hand-limbering stretches to lessons on five-ing with finesse, readers are guided through a series of interactive challenges, each goofier than the next.
Acclaimed creative duo Adam Rubin and Daniel Salmieri have dreamed up another one-of-a-kind, laugh-out-loud book that kids will beg to read again and again.