Jamie cocina en Italia / Jamie’s Italy: Desde el corazón de la cocina italiana / From the Heart of Italian Cuisine | 拾書所

Jamie cocina en Italia / Jamie’s Italy: Desde el corazón de la cocina italiana / From the Heart of Italian Cuisine

$ 1,518 元 原價 1,518

Despu s del xito de 5 ingredientes, Jamie Oliver viaja a la bella Italia para traernos un nuevo libro de cocina con m s de 140 recetas y los secretos de la gastronom a m s apreciada del mundo. Viva l'Italia

Jamie Oliver viaja por toda Italia, recorriendo sus regiones gastron micas m s famosas, para recuperar las ra ces de su deliciosa cocina tradicional, la aut ntica esencia de las recetas de la mano de las mammas y nonnas, y sus secretos culinarios. El reconocido cocinero comparte en este libro m s de 140 nuevos platos y un viaje al origen de una de las gastronom as m s valoradas del mundo.

Todas las recetas est n explicadas con el inconfundible estilo de Jamie Oliver y de centenares de coloridas fotos que retratan a la perfecci n la Italia gastron mica. Sin duda, este libro va mucho m s all de la m tica pasta. En l encontraremos los t picos entrantes italianos, conocidos como antipasti; las recetas m s originales de la aut ntica pasta; del risotto a otros platos deliciosos a base de arroz; las aut nticas maneras de cocinar la carne y el pescado; los acompa amientos m s sanos y tradicionales de la vieja Italia, incluyendo sus variedades de panes y focaccias; y un aut ntico repaso por los postres m s italianos, muchos de ellos desconocidos.


Bestselling author Jamie Oliver finally devotes an entire book to America's favorite cuisine--Italian

Italy and its wonderful flavors have always had a major influence on Jamie Oliver's food and cooking. In Jamie's Italy, he travels this famously gastronomic country paying homage to the classic dishes of each region and searching for new ideas to bring home. The result is a sensational collection of Italian recipes, old and new, that will ensure that Italy's influence reaches us all.

Italy has inspired Jamie Oliver throughout his career. His ambition has always been to travel across the country on a quest to capture the very essence of Italian cooking--and to produce the best and simplest Italian cookbook for everybody anywhere to enjoy.

Jamie's Italy is the result of that journey--and it's a land of plenty. As well as providing more than 140 brand-new recipes for everything from risotto to roasts and spaghetti to stews, structured as traditional trattoria menus, Jamie takes you all over Italy to cook with and learn from the real masters of Italian cuisine: the locals. Far from the standard "lemons and olives" version of Italian cooking, Jamie's Italy is a cookbook by the people for the people. From Sicily to Tuscany, it's about the local fishermen, family bakers, and, of course, the "Mamas," sharing their recipes and the tips that have gone into their cooking for generations. But it's not only mouthwatering food that Jamie brings back home: it's also the spirit that makes cooking and eating absolutely central to family life, whichever part of Italy you're in.

Bursting with the warmth and hospitality of real family life, this is both a superbly accessible cookbook and a unique travelogue and diary, in which you'll find the authentic flavor of Italy and the people who live there. If you love quality food prepared with genuine passion--you'll never want to leave Jamie's Italy.

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