The Little Guys | 拾書所

The Little Guys

$ 450 元 原價 630
  Little Guys是森林裡的一群小不點,這群小傢伙個頭雖小,但很有志氣地聲稱自己是森林裡最強大的人。
  「我們很小,但我們有很多人」,Little Guys說。當所有Little Guys一起出發尋找早餐時,他們會跨越深水、通過障礙物,還可以爬上最高的樹,任何事物都阻止不了他們!
  一切都很完美,所有的動物遇到Little Guys都得高舉白旗,直到他們遇到一隻(白目的?)小紅鳥,這隻小紅鳥硬是不放棄自己得到的漿果,不讓Little Guys得逞,這難道證明了Little Guys只是一群虛有其表的吹牛大王嗎?這群小不點們又是如何突然體認到善良與合作勝過貪婪呢?
  作者薇菈‧布洛思寇(Vera Brosgol)曾以《別來煩我!》Leave Me Alone 勇奪美國凱迪克大獎榮譽獎。新作《The Little Guys》是一本輕快的繪本,書中使用第一人稱聰明而有節奏地敘述整個故事。儘管這群小傢伙們無敵傲慢,但這或許也是他們吸引人的奇怪地方。古怪的小不點們、鮮明的個性,再加上色彩豐富又幽默的畫風,帶孩子們透過《The Little Guys》認識一個小小的可愛世界。
  「輕快而聰明……還有奇怪的魅力!」——《科克斯書評》(Kirkus Review)
An adorable cautionary tale from Caldecott Honoree Vera Brosgol
  We are the Little Guys. 
  Yes, we are small. But there are a lot of us.
  Together we are strong, and we can get all we need.

  The Little Guys might be small, but they aim to be mighty.

  As they head off to find breakfast, they can conquer anything through teamwork—cross deep waters, dig through obstacles, and climb the tallest trees. Nothing can stop them!

  But as they begin to amass more than they need, the creatures in the forest ponder—what happens when no one can stop the Little Guys?

  This slyly funny and rambunctious read-aloud explores how strength in numbers only works when the whole community unites together.

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