Traditional Danish Sweaters: 200 Stars and Other Classic Motifs from Historic Sweaters | 拾書所

Traditional Danish Sweaters: 200 Stars and Other Classic Motifs from Historic Sweaters

$ 1,214 元 原價 1,214

Single-color relief-stitch patterns in a rare and singular Scandinavian style.

From a little-known chapter of knitting history comes the Danish "night sweater"--part of women''s traditional dress in the 1800s, these sweaters have long been overlooked in surveys of Scandinavian handcrafting and design. But now celebrated Danish knitting expert Vivian H xbro has brought together diligent research, comprehensive charts, and her own painstaking efforts to reconstruct these carefully-preserved garments to create a unique collection of single-color relief patterns. Knitted, purled, and crossed stitches form hundreds of classic star motifs, edgings, horizontal and vertical pattern panels, and striking "traveling stitch" designs--with descriptions, explanations, and instructions now available in English for the first time.

  • Learn the history of night sweaters in Denmark, with a rundown of special techniques and regional knitting practices.
  • Dive into a neatly-organized library of 200 charts for motifs of all kinds.
  • Follow step-by-step instructions as you reconstruct traditional Danish sweaters in contemporary sizes.
  • Work traditionally-inspired patterns for a stole, top, tunic, and more.
  • Or use these motifs, edgings, and decorative panels in projects of your own design.

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