Dog Cartoon-a-day 2020 Calendar | 拾書所

Dog Cartoon-a-day 2020 Calendar

$ 560 元 原價 560
Join funny-guy-cartoonist Jonny Hawkins for a year-long walk as he howls about the inherent hilarities of the human bond with our canine friends. From boisterous welcome-home greetings and frenzied tail wagging to muddy paw prints and occasional “accidents,” the Dog Cartoon-A-Day 2020 Calendar’s campy collection of canine cartoons fetches daily chuckles and grins.

Plus, as an added bonus, the back of each page includes fun, extra content such as puzzles, jokes, lists, quotes, activities, tips, and trivia.
The calendar also features widely celebrated and nationally recognized holidays and observances for the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand as well as major world religions.

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