Chrysalis Crisis: How Life’s Ordeals Can Lead to Personal & Spiritual Transformation | 拾書所

Chrysalis Crisis: How Life’s Ordeals Can Lead to Personal & Spiritual Transformation

$ 593 元 原價 593

Recovering from a life ordeal—be it the death of a loved one, a divorce, loss of a job, or a serious physical injury or sickness—can sometimes result in personal and spiritual growth. When it does, Dr. Frank Pasciuti calls the transformative experience a "Chrysalis Crisis." If properly managed, these kinds of crises can result in increased physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and moral development.

Using stories from his clients and his personal life, Dr. Pasciuti shows how a Chrysalis Crisis can prompt growth in ten key areas of human functioning. It can awaken our very real capacity for psychic abilities and deeply enhance our spiritual lives. This book offers a model of human development that enables everyone—not just those in crises—to transform their lives, and create for themselves an increased sense of peace, happiness, and well-being.

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