The Farm | 拾書所

The Farm

$ 714 元 原價 714



  菲律賓移民珍妮(Jane)失去了賴以為生的保姆工作,她轉而投向代理孕母的行業。這是她唯一可以養活自己的方法,她通過了嚴格的甄選,成了一名「宿主」(the host),開始「生產」她的孩子。

  她跟著艾弗林(Evelyn)加入這行,離開她親生女兒,並搬到黃金橡樹(Golden Oaks)代孕中心:一家豪華頂級度假風格的代孕機構,位在哈德遜河谷,宿主們在這裡被植入客戶們的胚胎,被保護、餵養、監控生理狀況,直到產下胎兒。




  作者拉莫斯(Joanne Ramos)出身自馬尼拉,幼年移民美國,這部小說不僅僅寫出了對「代理孕母」議題、女人身體自主權的關切,同時也是寫出了美國的菲律賓移民們面臨的問題與處境。


  Life is a lucrative business, as long as you play by the rules.

   “[Joanne] Ramos’s debut novel couldn’t be more relevant or timely.”—O: The Oprah Magazine (25 Books We Can’t Wait to Read in 2019)

  Nestled in New York’s Hudson Valley is a luxury retreat boasting every amenity: organic meals, personal fitness trainers, daily massages—and all of it for free.

  In fact, you’re paid big money to stay here—more than you’ve ever dreamed of. The catch? For nine months, you cannot leave the grounds, your movements are monitored, and you are cut off from your former life while you dedicate yourself to the task of producing the perfect baby. For someone else.

  Jane, an immigrant from the Philippines, is in desperate search of a better future when she commits to being a “Host” at Golden Oaks—or the Farm, as residents call it. But now pregnant, fragile, consumed with worry for her family, Jane is determined to reconnect with her life outside.

  Yet she cannot leave the Farm or she will lose the life-changing fee she’ll receive on the delivery of her child.

  Gripping, provocative, heartbreaking, The Farm pushes to the extremes our thinking on motherhood, money, and merit and raises crucial questions about the trade-offs women will make to fortify their futures and the futures of those they love.

  Advance praise for The Farm

  “This topical, provocative debut anatomizes class, race and the American dream.”—The Guardian, “What You’ll Be Reading This Year”

  “Wow, Joanne Ramos has written the page-turner about immigrants chasing what’s left of the American dream. . . . Truly unforgettable.”—Gary Shteyngart, New York Times bestselling author of Super Sad True Love Story and Lake Success

  “A highly original and provocative story about the impossible choices in so many women’s lives. These characters will stay with me for a long time.”—Karen Thompson Walker, New York Times bestselling author of The Age of Miracles and The Dreamers

  “Ramos has written a firecracker of a novel, at once caustic and tender, page-turning and thought-provoking.

  This is a fierce indictment of the vampiric nature of modern capitalism, which never loses sight of the very human stories at its center. . . . Highly recommended.”—Madeline Miller, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Circe



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