Shoot for the Moon | 拾書所

Shoot for the Moon

$ 4,675 元 原價 4,675

時尚界傳奇攝影師Tim Walker史上最大攝影展

  「奔向月亮,縱使不能到達,也會置身於繁星之中。」Norman Vincent Peale, 《積極思考的力量》作者。
  英國攝影師Tim Walker最新攝影集《奔向月亮Shoot for the moon》帶領讀者看到奇幻世界的另一面。

  時尚界的傳奇攝影師Tim Walker,經常替《Vogue》、《W》、《Harper's Bazaar》等諸多知名時尚雜誌拍攝,擅長透過精緻佈景與華美服裝,營造出奇異浪漫的超現實氛圍,宛如進入童話世界般,每組照片都精緻的令人想收藏,令人著迷不已。Tim Walker作品深受攝影大師Cecil Beaton影響,並曾與人像攝影大師Richard Avedon一起工作學習,不僅創造華麗場景,更捕捉名人影星鮮為人知的面貌。

  2019年9月,這位備受推崇的時尚攝影大師將在全球最大的裝飾藝術與設計博物館—倫敦V&A博物館(Victoria and Albert Museum)舉辦攝影展《Tim Walker:Wonderful Things》,這是他迄今為止最大的一場個展,被國際媒體列為「今年必看展覽之一」。Tim Walker花了三年時間準備,將展出職業生涯25年來的重要作品,以及超過 150 件受到 V&A藏品所啟發的新作品,這本書將與展覽同步上市。

  書籍由三度榮獲世界最美麗書籍(The most beautiful book in the world)金獎得主,被譽為「書本女王The Queen of Books」的伊瑪.布(Irma Boom)設計,將作品集的影像與印刷推向更高層次。伊瑪.布最廣為人知的印象即透過書籍設計呈現反叛的美麗,更有100本設計作品被納為紐約MoMA的常設項目。其中沒有頁碼、不用線性閱讀的作品《SHV Think Book 1996-1896》,更是奠定她國際高度設計師地位的里程碑。

  大開本攝影集共340頁包含238張照片4張膠片(acetate gel),特別使用特殊的紫外線油墨印刷與特殊紙質。作品大多為全新創作,包含許多過去未曾發表的作品。其中鏡頭下的名人有: 英倫超模凱特摩絲、凱特·布蘭琪、仙氣女神蒂達史雲頓、時尚設計師Marc Jacobs與英國藝術教父大衛?霍克尼。


  Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars Norman Vincent Peale
Tim Walker s monograph Story Teller, published by Thames & Hudson, introduced audiences to this unique photographer s fantastical, magical worlds, conjured anew with each shoot. But every point must have its counterpoint, day its night, light its dark; creativity is no different. Shoot for the Moon, Walker s much anticipated followup, draws audiences close to reveal fantasy’s other, darker side.

  Delving deep into the art and mind of one of the most exciting and original fashion photographers working today, Shoot for the Moon showcases the gamut of Walker s weird, wild Wonderlands. In images that demand to be read as art as much as fashion, his signature opulence and decadent eccentricity encroach ever further beyond the real , exploring the mysteries of imagination and inspiration, and where it is they come from.

  Dazzlingly designed to a lavish spec, with images featuring some of the biggest names in fashion and contemporary culture, and texts and commentary by a collection of noteworthy contributors as well as Walker himself, Shoot for the Moon is set to be an unmissable addition to the lexicon of fashion photography.

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