一九四二年一月,一場暴風雨,席捲整個洛杉磯,格里斐斯公園(Griffith Park),出現了一具屍體。起初,警方以為只是普通的死亡案件,但他們全然錯了。
艾摩(Elmer Jackson)是名貪瀆的警隊副隊長。蘆田英男(Hideo Ashida)在刑事化驗室工作。杜雷(Dudley Smith)現在是名軍人,曾在洛杉磯警署工作。
一九四一年,戰爭爆發,關押日本僑民的拘留營持續騷動。洛杉磯對戰爭的狂熱與反日本的種族憎恨,日益嚴重。杜雷大賺戰爭財,和女友克萊兒(Claire de haven)同住在下加州(Baja)的邊境地帶。明著是在反對第五軍團的納粹支持者,與監視日本的潛水艇軍團的侵略。暗地裡卻發著國難財,大賺軍事利益,走私海洛因與偷渡人口。
同時,洛杉磯警署發現一具屍體,法醫專家,蘆田英男,必須和自己的良知與對杜雷的忠誠相互搏鬥。他發現這一切都跟十年前的黃金搶案有關。當杜雷與新的隊長派克(Bill Parker),產生矛盾時,事情一發不可收拾。新到的海軍中尉喬安(Joan Conville)陷入一樁殺人案,因此入獄。但派克隊長卻除卻她的刑責,讓她加入英男的團隊,而艾摩則成為英男的保鑣。各方勢力逐漸成形。
A massive novel of World War II Los Angeles. The crowning work of an American master.
It is January, 1942. Torrential rainstorms hit L.A. A body is unearthed in Griffith Park. The cops rate it a routine dead-man job. They're grievously wrong. It's a summons to misalliance and all the spoils of a brand-new war.
Elmer Jackson is a corrupt Vice cop. He's a flesh peddler and a bagman for the L.A. Chief of Police. Hideo Ashida is a crime-lab whiz, caught up in the maelstrom of the Japanese internment. Dudley Smith is an LAPD hardnose working Army Intelligence. He's gone rogue and gone all-the-way Fascist. Joan Conville was born rogue. She's a defrocked Navy lieutenant and a war profiteer to her core.
They've signed on for the dead-man job. They've got a hot date with History. They will fight their inner wars within The War with unstoppable fury.
一九四二年一月,一場暴風雨,席捲整個洛杉磯,格里斐斯公園(Griffith Park),出現了一具屍體。起初,警方以為只是普通的死亡案件,但他們全然錯了。
艾摩(Elmer Jackson)是名貪瀆的警隊副隊長。蘆田英男(Hideo Ashida)在刑事化驗室工作。杜雷(Dudley Smith)現在是名軍人,曾在洛杉磯警署工作。
一九四一年,戰爭爆發,關押日本僑民的拘留營持續騷動。洛杉磯對戰爭的狂熱與反日本的種族憎恨,日益嚴重。杜雷大賺戰爭財,和女友克萊兒(Claire de haven)同住在下加州(Baja)的邊境地帶。明著是在反對第五軍團的納粹支持者,與監視日本的潛水艇軍團的侵略。暗地裡卻發著國難財,大賺軍事利益,走私海洛因與偷渡人口。
同時,洛杉磯警署發現一具屍體,法醫專家,蘆田英男,必須和自己的良知與對杜雷的忠誠相互搏鬥。他發現這一切都跟十年前的黃金搶案有關。當杜雷與新的隊長派克(Bill Parker),產生矛盾時,事情一發不可收拾。新到的海軍中尉喬安(Joan Conville)陷入一樁殺人案,因此入獄。但派克隊長卻除卻她的刑責,讓她加入英男的團隊,而艾摩則成為英男的保鑣。各方勢力逐漸成形。
A massive novel of World War II Los Angeles. The crowning work of an American master.
It is January, 1942. Torrential rainstorms hit L.A. A body is unearthed in Griffith Park. The cops rate it a routine dead-man job. They're grievously wrong. It's a summons to misalliance and all the spoils of a brand-new war.
Elmer Jackson is a corrupt Vice cop. He's a flesh peddler and a bagman for the L.A. Chief of Police. Hideo Ashida is a crime-lab whiz, caught up in the maelstrom of the Japanese internment. Dudley Smith is an LAPD hardnose working Army Intelligence. He's gone rogue and gone all-the-way Fascist. Joan Conville was born rogue. She's a defrocked Navy lieutenant and a war profiteer to her core.
They've signed on for the dead-man job. They've got a hot date with History. They will fight their inner wars within The War with unstoppable fury.