Stop Being Reasonable: six stories of how we really change our minds | 拾書所

Stop Being Reasonable: six stories of how we really change our minds

$ 499 元 原價 824


  目前在普林斯頓大學,曾任教於雪梨大學,身兼哲學家與記者的作家Eleanor Gordon-Smith,收集了兩年的訪談,寫下六個清晰、引人入勝的報導故事,讓哲學和現實生活在此相遇。敘述人類理性的侷限,更深入探究「說服」是怎麼一回事──想真正改變人的心意與對事物的想法,遠比我們想像的複雜!牽涉的絕不僅是思考實證,更有情感、文化、價值觀等種種要素的門檻。因此我們遇見有人即便知道有再多的證據推翻了自己的想法,卻仍然不肯接受;我們也發現,在這個立場日益壁壘對立的當代,當我們希望針對公眾事物「理性討論」,最後卻經常沒有實現我們期盼的結果,甚或不及那些煽動的謬誤危詞。


  What if you aren’t who you think you are?
  What if you don’t really know the people closest to you?
  And what if your most deeply-held beliefs turn out to be … wrong?

  In Stop Being Reasonable, philosopher and journalist Eleanor Gordon-Smith tells six lucid, gripping stories that show the limits of human reason.

  From the woman who realised her husband harboured a terrible secret, to the man who left the cult he had been raised in since birth, and the British reality TV contestant who, having impersonated someone else for a month, discovered he could no longer return to his former identity, all of the people interviewed radically altered their beliefs about the things that matter most.

  What made them change course? How should their reversals affect how we think about our own beliefs? And in an increasingly divided world, what do they teach us about how we might change the minds of others?

  Inspiring, perceptive, and often moving, Stop Being Reasonable explores the place where philosophy and real life meet. Ultimately, it argues that when it comes to finding out what’s true or convincing others about what we know, being rational might involve our hearts as well as our minds.


  'I knew how piercingly smart Eleanor Gordon-Smith is, and what a curious and resolute interviewer. But I was unprepared for how entertainingly she writes! I read this with pleasure.' --Ira Glass

  'A frank and thoughtful new voice ... this is an assured and companionable guide through the wilderness of contemporary ethics.' --Shahidha Bari

  'This is a funny, sharp-edged and deeply serious book about a mainstream myth: that we all know what rationality demands. A pleasure to read.' --Amia Srinivasan

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