Tang Soo Do The Complete Story | 拾書所

Tang Soo Do The Complete Story

$ 2,197 元 原價 2,197

Tang Soo Do The Complete Story describes the creation, history and evolution of the 20th century Korean style of martial arts. It includes who the individuals that opened the first Kwans teaching Tang Soo Do and Kong Soo Do and where each had earned their Black Belt while attending college in Japan that returned home to open the Kwans that taught Tang Soo Do as World War II was ending and the colonial occupational forces were being removed by the U.S. military. Hundreds of miles away, the U.S. military was planning to invade Japan and the Japanese military was forcing all its manpower to come to Japan to repel the U.S. military. It also includes the creation and history of other Kwans that taught their version of Tang Soo Do mixing Chuan Fa/Kwon Bup (Shaolin Fighting Art) and Tai Chi Chuan (Tae Kuek Kwan; a.k.a. Grand Ultimate Fist) such as the Moo Duk Kwan, Kang Duk Kwan, Kuk Moo Kwan, Jung Do Kwan, Yun Moo Kwan, O Do Kwan, Sang Moo Kwan, Chang Moo Kwan, Chung Do Kwan, Moo Duk Kwan. The author includes the Hyungs of Tang Soo Do, a list of important events that led to the creation of Tang Soo Do, a Korean martial arts chronology covering many thousands of years, a comprehensive Hyung-to-Kata conversion table for Tang Soo Do Hyungs. The author also includes a substantial 80+ reference Bibliography, Glossary and Index for the serious reader's convenience.

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