The Honest Art Dictionary: An A-Z of Art Terms from the Peculiar to the Pretentious | 拾書所

The Honest Art Dictionary: An A-Z of Art Terms from the Peculiar to the Pretentious

$ 805 元 原價 805

The Art History Babes are a group of four US-based art historians - Corrie, Ginny, Natalie and Jennifer - who co-host the Art History Babes podcast. An approachable source for art history, the podcast is informed by academics but shares and critiques aspects of the art world, expanding on them in ways that are often colloquial and entertaining. The podcast reached over 500,000 downloads in 2018 and the collective have collaborated with various museums across the United States, as well as the LA Art Show, SOFA Chicago and Museum Hack. They have also appeared on podcasts such as Art Matters, Art Bros and Art and Cocktails, among others.

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