Can Detective Conan crack the case...while trapped in a kid’s body?
When ace high school detective Jimmy Kudo is fed a mysterious substance by a pair of nefarious men in black--poof! He is physically transformed into a first grader. Until Jimmy can find a cure for his miniature malady, he takes on the pseudonym Conan Edogawa and continues to solve all the cases that come his way. DETECTIVES’ NOCTURNE Detective Moore’s latest case comes from a client he’s never seen. Following a series of texts, Conan and the gang find a break-in, a bound woman and an apparent suicide. Time for Mr. Moore’s mysterious new "disciple" Amuro to show off his sleuthing chops! Then the Junior Detective League witnesses a marital spat that turns deadly. Did one spouse kill the other in self-defense, or was it premeditated murder? And Detective Sato receives an unwanted gift--footage of her boyfriend, Detective Takagi, abducted by criminals!